Sunday, July 3, 2011

Seven reasons that you might be suffering from fatigue

Women of the worldImage by robynejay via Flickr
A woman's work is never done.  There are simply never enough hours in the day to meet the demands of a  working mom.  But, why is your battery is running  unusually low? What can you do?

These article will present seven reasons that you may be feeling fatigued. Also presented are interventions to recharge your life.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that produces the hormones that regulate how the body burnns fuel for energy.  It can become underactive, where in the metabolism is sluggish, or overactive, which can also make you feel sleepy and sluggish.  Unfortunately, thyroid problems are very common in women.

What to do?

Blood work will need to be done to find out if this is the problem.   If so, medication can be taken to help regulate things.

Heart Disease

When your heart is not an efficient pump, you can become tired and sluggish.  The necessary nutrients that your body needs just slows things down.  And, if you  have identifiable risks factors such as obesity, hypertension and family history, it might be important to get a cardiac workup which might consist of  EKG, echocardiogram and stress test.

What to do?

Make an appointment to see your internist.  You can discuss any concerns with him and he will, if necessary, refer you to a cardiologist.

Vitamin D deficiency

The media has blitzed us in the last few years on the importance of vitamin D and overall health.  Sadly, there has been an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency because we are avoiding the sun through usage of sunblock.  Vitamin D can help with weight control, blood pressure control, offer protection against some cancers and is linked to bone strength and chrnic fatigue syndrome.

What to do?

See your doctor and request blood tests to see where your Vitamin D levels are.  He may then order supplements.

The Institute of Medicine published new guidelines in 2010 and recommends that most adults get 600 international units a day.  For people 71 and older, the need climbs to 800 IUs.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

This is probably one of the most well known causes of anemia.  When the blood isn't carrying enough oxygen to the body fatigue and sluggishness are  bound to occur.  Menstruating women are at high risk for this problem.

What to do?

See your doctor.  Again, request blood tests to see where the hemoglobin is.  The remedy may be as easy as taking supplements and including some high iron foods in the diet such as spinach and liver.

Sleep Apnea

Snoring is the hallmark of sleep apnea.  This is not just a nuisance to your partner but can be a potentially health and life threatening problem.  Periods of apnea, or temporary cessation of breathing, deprives the brain of life giving nutrients, such as oxygen.  The heart, in time will also suffer, and sleep is interrupted.  Therefore, adequate rest is not received.

What to do?

Weight loss is usually high on the Rx list.  Excess weight can put pressure on the airway at night. 

Doctors will also order CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines to provide supplemental oxygen.

Lack of sleep

As was mentioned earlier, and as most of the world knows, a woman's work is never done.   A hectic lifestyle of childcare, working, cleaning, homework, all take a toll on a woman's health.

What to do?

Try to avoid strenous activity within two hours of bedtime.  Make the bedroom a tranquil and quiet place.  (on't bring work into the bedroom.  Reserve it for sleep and sex only.) Put on soft music, try aromatherapy.  Paint the room in quiet colors to help you get drowsy.


Depression and fatigue often go hand in hand.  Again, with the hectic pace of life, many people feel down about imability to meet demands on the job, at home and in personal relationships.

What to do?

Talk to  your MD about it. Based upon what you tell her, she may recommend counselling.

Also, evaluate your network of close friends and relatives with whom you might open up to to share some of your most intimate feelings. These are all ideas that will help get some of the problems out of your system.

Watson, Stephanie "Tired Truths" WebMD The Magazine
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