Saturday, July 2, 2011

How Oral hygiene affects Cardiovascular Health

Researchers know that there is a close relationship between oral health and overall wellness.   Gum disease is linked to a number of illnesses including heart disease, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, osteoporosis and Rheumatoid arthritis.  By carefully sifting through thousands of medical histories, researchers in the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry found that people with gum disease were two times more likely as others to die from heart attack and three times likely to have a stroke.

Gum disease is the most common chronic inflammatory condition  but it remains silent.   This is because the mouth is the portal of entry for an infection, states Salomon Anar, DMD, PhD in the article, "Root Cause the mouth-body connection explained."  Ongoing inflammation in the mouth can allow bacteria to enter into the bloodstream which can lead to inflammation in other parts of the body, such as the heart, for example.

Other studies point to a reciprocal relationship between gum disease and diabetes mellitus. According to Dr. Amar, when you treat and control diabetes, immediately the condition in the mouth improves.  And when you treat periodontal disease, the need for insulin is reduced.

"Root Cause the mouth-body connection explained" Soong, Jennifer
 WebMD the Magazine

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