Saturday, October 1, 2011

Olive oil and Stroke Prevention

Olives in olive oil.Image via Wikipedia
According to a new study conducted by the University of Bordeaux and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux, France,  olive oil may prevent stroke in people 65 years and older. Regular use of this oil is the key.

The study was conducted  on residents 65 years and older that hailed from three cities, Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier, all located in France.  There were 7, 625 participants, none of whom had a history of stroke.   They were then categorized according to three designations: no olive oil use; moderate use - meaning that olive oil is used in cooking or as a dressing; and intensive use - meaning that olive oil is used for both cooking and as a dressing.  The olive oil used is the extra virgin olive oil, which is regularly used in this part of France.

The results

Over a five year period, there were 148 strokes. After considering all stroke risk factors such as diet, physical activity and weight, it was found that those who used olive oil the most - the "Intensive use" group, had a 41% lower risk of stroke compared with those who never used olive oil in their diet.

According to these findings, it was be greatly advisable to add olive oil to our diets.


Neurology: "Olive oil may reduce risk of stroke"
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