Monday, August 8, 2011

Junk Food addicted babies

Junk food copyImage via Wikipedia
The media has warned us repeatedly about the adverse effects of junk food on our kids.  Sadly, poor choices in childhood can lead to bad health in later years.  Now, researchers have gone a step further and found that mothers who consume large amounts of junk food while pregnant may give birth to babies who are programmed to make the same poor dietary choices.

New research published in the "Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal" suggests that pregnant mothers whose diets are high in sugar and fat deliver babies that are more likely to become junk food addicts.  The studies were conducted on rats.  When high fat and sugar were fed to the rat moms, food preferences were altered in the fetus.

This study may help explain why some people can easily resist fatty and sugary foods while others seem hopelessly addicted.


"No Junk Food Babies" Natural Awakenings Magazine

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1 comment:

  1. New research published in the "Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journa.


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