Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to handle your toddler's next tantrum

Corner Grocery StoreImage via Wikipedia
"No, you can't have it!" Evelyn firmly says to her 3 year old toddler. Madison , the determined tot,  stands in the middle of the supermarket aisle with streaming tears and pouting lips screaming, "I hate you, I hate you!"  Does this sound familiar?

I bet it does. Most mothers, myself included, have had to deal with a trying situation such as this.  But how do you prevent this embarassment before it happens?

This article will present a few tips.

Think ahead

Defusing a child's tantrum in the middle of the grocery store will be very difficult.  The best way is to deal with his behavior is before it even occurs.  This is the sentiments of Dr. Harvey Karp, in the article, "Tantrum tactics" from WebMD magazine.  The doctor goes on to describe how it is important to spend a few minutes regularly throughout the day with the tot so that he sees that he has your undivided attention. Most of us already know that many times these tantrums stem from the child wanting attention.  My goodness though, they can look for it in the most disturbing ways, though. 

A means of helping the child with behavior modification is to give a gift, such as a sticker orsomething the child really wants and reward at an approptiate time.

Compliment him regularly.  Don't be ashamed to plan a telephone conversation where in you shower him  with priase while he is in ear shot.  This will go a long way in building self esteem and reinforcing good behavior.


"Critical Behavior Management" WebMD the Magazine
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