Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aspartame and headaches

Cyclamate packets, an Sugar substituteImage via Wikipedia
I recently noticed the most unusual headaches that seemed to start at the back of my head and proceed forward to the sides and front of my head. (I checked my blood pressure.  It was fine). I had the uncanny feeling like I had unknowingly ingested a dangerous chemical of some kind. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what. I then began to get busy narrowing down what I had eaten that could be responsible for this.

What I noticed was that I had been regularly drinking a sweetened ice tea and jello at a local salad bar.  Hmmm, the picture became increasingly clearer.  I had been taking in aspartame, one of the most poplar artificial sweeteners out there.  What are the dangers of aspartame? Let's find out.


Aspartame contains excitotoxins, which cause neurons to fire spasmodically.  This will eventually burn out the neurons,  Therefore, aspartame is behind these painful headaches.

According to Dr. James Bealy, in the article  "Aspartame consumption strongly associated with migraines and seizure" by Dani Veracity, "90% of all migraines headaches are caused by food allergy or reactions cause by additives."  Aspartame is among the most common allergens.  Whereas some people will develop hives, others develop migraines from aspartame.  Scientists don't know how migraines are induced by aspartame but it is believed that aspartame may decrease serotonin levels which cause depression and exacerbation of migraines.
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