Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Papaya: a natural boost for your skin care regimen

Hawaiian papaya (with lilies and ginger)Image via Wikipedia
If you are looking for a wonderful and natural product to add to your skin care regimen, try adding papaya enzyme toner.  This product is fantastic for sensitive skin as it is tolerated well by almost all skin types.   Papaya imparts antioxidant and vitamin benefits to your skin making this an essential for over  40 skin..

Let's learn a little about how papaya helps deal with common skin issues.

Papaya's benefits


If your skin has been prone to acne, papaya can help to erase some of the common problems associated with this Problem.  Papaya opens up pores allowing acne medication to really deep down penetrate and get to the root of the problem.

It also helps in gently exfoliating and dissolving dead skin cells, revealing the young and new cells giving the skin a soft and smooth appearance. It also revitalizes the skin tone.


One common problem that aging skin faces is  hyperpigmenatation.  Papaya offers a wonderful remedy to this common problem.  Papaya starts off by gently exfoliating and dissolving dead skin cells.  This rapd turnover via exfoliation helps to fade away areas of discoloration.


Finally, papaya helps to balance the ph of the skin.  Balancing the ph starts by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.  This helps give the vitamins and antioxidant protection to the skin that keeps it younger looking and healthy.

Papaya is an all around winner for all skin types and brings out the natural softness and glow without harsch chemicals.
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