Thursday, September 30, 2010

The soothing benefits of chamomile

German CamomileImage via Wikipedia
Looking to relax after a stressful and busy day at work? Don't reach for a martini, or drink, why not unwind more naturally through the wonderful powers of relaxing herbs and teas.

Chamomile has been known for its calming and soothing effects, particularly before bedtime.  Let's take a look at this  fantastic herbal relaxant.

Relaxing benefits

Chamomile tea is known for easing anxiety and promoting relaxation and sleep. 

The herb also contains antioxidants which are helpful in battling the damage of free radicals in the body, (Free radicals are associated with many disease conditions).

Chamomile tea also has antisparmodic properties and is helpful in relaxing smooth muscle like those of the intestines.  It is therefore helpful in stomachaches, menstrual cramps and the like.
So, to soothe away the stress of the day, relax and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea.

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