Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blood transfusions - what are the risks?

Main symptoms of acute hemolytic reaction (See...Image via Wikipedia
Jehovah God, the all knowing and powerful Creator has given man the life, breath, the life and all the wonderful and beautiful things in it.  He has decreed that blood transfusions, however, are not to be accepted.(see Genesis 9:3-6).  These things are evident in His Word, the Bible.(Acts 5:28, 29).  Today, however, in 2010, many are now aware of the research that exists regarding disease transmission and blood transfusions.

For further information, please consider the information in the  Journal  "Cancer" of February 15, 1987.   It was noted that over a five year period that colon cancer patients who received blood transfusion had a cancer recurrence rate of 65% and those who did not were only 14%.("How can blood save your life?" Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania).

Another study was conducted that indicates that people receiving blood are more prone to infection.  In the "British Journal of Surgery," August, 1988,  23% of those who received blood transfusions during hip-replacement surgery developed infections, those who did not receive blood, had no invections at all.  The connections are quite clear that blood is not as safe as many have thought.("How can blood save your life?" Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 1990).

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome has changed the safety of blood transfusions in the minds of many.  AIDS first came to light in 1981.  Testing of donor blood only began in 1985. At that time, scientist discovered that there was a "window" period for the development of antibodies to HIV (human immune defieiceny virus); it could be months before a person developed detectable antibodies.  It was for this reason that people were told to follow up testing at specific intervals.

Drawing it all together
In order to make wise decisions and choices it is important to investigate the facts.  Oddly, people will do more investigation of facts concerning other things of importance in their lives such as cars and electronic equipment than they give to health matters.  Don't place the matter squarely in the lap of the doctor.  Become pro-active in your health care. 

The next article will investigate some current alternatives to blood.

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