Monday, October 31, 2011

Practical steps to reduce fractures

A fracture of the fifth metatarsal of the foot...Image via Wikipedia
Osteoporosis becomes a frightening reality as we get older-we have no control over that.  What we do have some control over is the reduction of certain preventable falls and fractures that  can cause years of immobility and hospitalizations.

In this post are three steps that can help reduce your risk of falls and possible fractures.

Bone density

This is a quick and painless test that measures the density of bones that are most likely to fracture-the hips, spine and wrists.  If your test shows that you are at risk, your doctor can make suggestions in dietary changes and prescribe medications as needed.

Build up your muscles

Exercise is always at the top of the list as far as health goes.  It helps improve circulation, it provides bone strength and support as well as assist in coordination. According to the experts, weightbearing activity can increase bone density.

Dietary aids

It is important to take in enough protein to build up muscles.   Calcium and vitamin D are also important for bone strength.  It is recommended to take 1,200 mg a day of calcium and 600-800 IUs of vitamin D. 

Other things that can be done is to fall proof the home by eliminating slippery throw rugs, cords and wires where someone could trip.


"Simple ways to help your Hips" AARP Magazine
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